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WAN-IFRA Italia 2015, Bologna, with Innovations in Print

WAN-IFRA Italia 2015, Bologna, with Innovations in Print

Manfred Werfel's picture


The Complicated Balance: The Italian publishing and printing industry facing ever-changing scenarios

Does it still make sense to talk about newspapers and daily “printed” news in the digital age? Yes, especially in countries like Italy, where printers are reorganizing the business to propose a wider choice of opportunities to print, in the same plant, dailies, magazines and commercial products, lowering the costs and developing a better performance, quality and time-to-market opportunities. It’s a time for exciting strategies.

Digital Editorial Platforms: Is the topic still up-to-date? Yes! Publishers worldwide are developing new business models to expand their capabilities after investing in the multimedia platforms. It’s a time for the creative mind.

Advertisers in a multi-channel publishing industry: Do they still a role to play? Absolutely. It's a role that goes beyond tradition, a role that explores the new territories of the communication business to bring together readers, media and advertising. It’s time for the pioneers.

Here you find more details on the conference. 

The second day of thge conference was dedicates to questions of print and production. M. Werfel from WAN-IFRA did the introductive presentation. Find the slides attached to this post.

Manfred Werfel's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2015-03-11 11:28
Presentation slides

Download the perenstation slides from M. Werfel here.

Kasturi Balaji's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2015-04-13 07:57
Ifra Italia

Manfred, that was a very good presentation.

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